Friday, November 13, 2015

The Chakra Project - Root Chakra

Chakra 1

Root Chakra – Muladhara (Mula = Root, Adhara = Support or Base)

Cauda Equina

Location: Base of spine, the pelvic floor, and the first 3 vertebrae - space between base of spine and perineum

Benefit of balancing root chakra:
  • Creates foundation/stability for opening rest of chakras above
  • Connection to body, environment, and earth 
  • Feelings of peace and positivity
  • Being physically aware and comfortable in many situations
  • Daily tasks will seem effortless
  • No doubts about your place in the world
  • To bring to light unconscious generational patterns passed down from experiences of threats to survival (war, famine, natural disasters, etc.)

Comprised of: Whatever grounds you to stability in life
  • Basic needs: (e.g.) Food, water, shelter
  • Emotional needs: (e.g.) Letting go of fear
  • Fight or flight

  • Safety, security, physical existence, belonging 
  • Connects us with spiritual energies of our ancestors

How to balance?
  • Meditation - connection to universal energy for peace and stability
  • Yoga asanas
    • Pavanumuktasana
    • Janu Sirsasana
    • Padmasana
    • Malasana
  • Kegel exercises
  • Bandha yoga: where you lock and tighten certain parts of your body to bring energy and strength to the area
  • Chanting or toning sounds
    • Sounds create vibrations in the body
    • These vibrations help cells work together in synchronistic harmony
    • Mantra sound for root chakra = LAM (A pronounce "ah"; M pronounced "mng")
    • Note of "C"
  • Colors and gems
    • Root chakra color = Red
      • Picture red lotus flower at base of spine
      • Light red candles while focusing on root chakra
    • Root chakra gemstones (can place gem on area when lying down)
      • Garnet (balancing)
      • Red jasper (activating)
      • Black tourmaline (protective and healing)
      • Bloodstone 
      • Azurite
      • Chrysocolla
      • Obsidian
      • Golden yellow topaz
      • Carnelian
      • Citrine
      • Smoky quartz (protective and healing)
      • Hematite (grounding and stabilizing) 
      • Rhodochrosite (clearing)
      • Red carnelian (balancing)
  • Experiencing sounds and smells of nature
  • Affirmations: 
    • I have an abundance of strength and energy.  I express my energy in a divine perfect way. 
    • I am safe in the world around me.  I belong in this world and am part of Gaia (mother-earth).  I am at peace with my surroundings, with the people and the events as they occur.
    • The universe is a good place 
    • Everything is going to work out just fine
    • All is well and I can let my guard down and rest
  • Nutrition for root chakra:
    • Red foods:
      • Red apples
      • Strawberries
      • Red cabbage
    • Foods with roots:
      • Ginger
      • Carrots
      • Beets
    • Foods high in protein:
      • Eggs
      • Meats
      • Beans
      • Nuts
  • Aromatherapy
    • Sandalwood
    • Cedar
    • Rosewood
    • Ginger
    • Cloves
    • Black pepper
    • Rosemary
  • Sense organ that corresponds to root chakra = Smell 

Mudra: Gula

  • Planet: Earth, Saturn
  • Element: Earth
  • Force: Gravity
  • Key Phrase: I Have
  • Demon: Fear
  • Negative Archetype: You see yourself as predator or prey
  • Positive Archetype: You see yourself as Ubermother (nurturing of others, self-sufficient, responsible)
  • Mythological Figure: Persephone 
  • Mythological Animal: White elephant with 7 trunks
  • Deity: Brahma, Dikini, Ganesha
  • Overactive/blown out: Feel like you never having enough, hoarding, scarcity, aggression, exploitation, anxiety, fear, overweight, addictions.
  • In Balance: Safe, secure, feel like you have enough.  Confident you can meet your basic needs.  Good relationship with your body.   You feel at home in the world and feel like you have a right to be here.
  • Underactive/shut down: Lacking energy or sense of empowerment.  Victimized by Life/God/Fate.  Struggle to meet basic needs around money, work, housing.  Question if you have a right to be here or not sure if you want to be here.  Anorexia or other denial of basic human needs. Feel alienated from your body.
  • Physical signs that your Root Chakra might need some love:
    • Pain in the lower back, legs, knees or feet
    • Sciatica
    • Hemorrhoids, constipation, IBS, Crone’s Disease, kidney stones, other excretory issues
    • Over or underweight, anorexia, obesity
    • Reproductive issues

    Grounding Exercise

    There is an easy exercise we all can do at any time, even while driving, that will pull our souls back into our bodies immediately. Anyone trying this exercise may have to do it a few times for it to work, but it will be worth it.
  • Imagine that when you inhale, your breath comes in through the top of your head and stops at your hips.
  • As you exhale, the breath goes down through the center of your legs into the earth and wraps itself around a tree root (or a stone, or anything in the center of the earth)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

My Invitation To You

I am not a fan of poetry by any means, but this one made me so happy because it is EXACTLY what I believe and am looking to follow in my life.  I would LOVE for this mentality to spread.  Instead of comparing yourself to other people, you can actually learn who they truly are and find how to utilize each others' strengths to create the most efficient and thriving society.  I've come to find that so many people do not know who they are.  I am still on that journey myself.  But to know that your worth is not defined by what you own or where you live or what your career is - that is a discovery that will dump you off right in front of that "path" you have probably been searching for your whole life. 

Women often feel threatened by other women.  Who cares if the girl in the office isn't wearing a thong and has panty lines?  Who cares if the mom is nursing instead of bottle-feeding?  Who cares if the neighbor doesn't eat meat?  We should be holding each other up, teaching each other how to be stronger, giving advice and taking advice, accepting that others may have a different way of living than we believe to be true.  The stronger the woman standing next to you is, the stronger you will be - therefore the stronger the whole society of women will be!  It is too easy to get sucked up into the cattiness of this nonsense of putting down women.  Notice how you do NOT feel better when you contribute to those conversations.  You may not realize it in the moment, but trust me, it will slowly creep on you and build to a point of tremendous stress.  Let it go!  It doesn't matter.  What matters is love and belonging. 

I have received so much from reading and listening to Brene Brown and her discussions on shame and vulnerability.  "Those who have a strong sense of love and belonging have the courage to be imperfect."  I love it.  Can you imagine a society where perfection was not the measure for success?  Can you imagine the relief that would come from dropping that heavy load of impossibilities?  I can, and I have felt that weight lifted. 

I invite you to cut off the negative talk about other women.  At least pay attention to how much you may participate in this behavior.  Take notice of how you feel while you're talking and afterwards.  Did it lift you up?  My guess will be no. 

"We can be each others' most magnificent ally or we can be each others' biggest nightmare.  And the only reason a woman would take another woman down is because they have such a lack of their own self.  So I have a lot of compassion for women who are easily threatened by other women because it says more about who they are and their lack of self love.  The more that you love yourself, all aspects of your experience, you can't help but look at another woman and see them doing the best they can with what they know, just living, breathing, thriving, trying." -Seane Corn, Women Ignite Virtual Conference Interview

Instead of the put-downs, shoot a text over to your girlfriend and tell her how amazing she is.  Tell her you believe in her.  Tell her you support her.  Tell her your struggles.  Show your vulnerabilities as well.  That trust and acceptance will allow you AND your sisters to shine.  Embrace the magic the sisterhood holds.  Together we are so powerful, more powerful than you could have ever imagined.  I am determined to delve deeper into this world.  Come join me!  Tell me what you have learned and are learning!

Haha, I was only planning on posting this poem, but I got completely consumed by the meaning I got from it and how it relates to some of the strong women I have been following this year.  But here you go!

The Invitation by Oriah
It doesn’t interest me
what you do for a living.
I want to know
what you ache for
and if you dare to dream
of meeting your heart’s longing.
It doesn’t interest me
how old you are.
I want to know
if you will risk
looking like a fool
for love
for your dream
for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn’t interest me
what planets are
squaring your moon...
I want to know
if you have touched
the centre of your own sorrow
if you have been opened
by life’s betrayals
or have become shrivelled and closed
from fear of further pain.

I want to know
if you can sit with pain
mine or your own
without moving to hide it
or fade it
or fix it.

I want to know
if you can be with joy
mine or your own
if you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you
to the tips of your fingers and toes
without cautioning us
to be careful
to be realistic
to remember the limitations
of being human.

It doesn’t interest me
if the story you are telling me
is true.
I want to know if you can
disappoint another
to be true to yourself.
If you can bear
the accusation of betrayal
and not betray your own soul.
If you can be faithless
and therefore trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see Beauty
even when it is not pretty
every day.
And if you can source your own life
from its presence.

I want to know
if you can live with failure
yours and mine
and still stand at the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full moon,

It doesn’t interest me
to know where you live
or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up
after the night of grief and despair
weary and bruised to the bone
and do what needs to be done
to feed the children.

It doesn’t interest me
who you know
or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand
in the centre of the fire
with me
and not shrink back.

It doesn’t interest me
where or what or with whom
you have studied.
I want to know
what sustains you
from the inside
when all else falls away.

I want to know
if you can be alone
with yourself
and if you truly like
the company you keep
in the empty moments.

By Oriah © Mountain Dreaming,
from the book The Invitation
published by HarperONE, San Francisco,
1999 All rights reserved

Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Personification of Emotions

I have, on many occasions, been completely consumed by an emotion, such as anxiety, to the point that I cannot function as I am required to.  As I mentioned in my last post, I had trouble explaining my own self in front of a group of completely supportive women at the red tent circle a few weeks ago.  I want to be able to let go of the somatic responses that come along with that fear - the tightness in my chest, the heat that rises from the pit of my stomach all the way to the top of my head, the sweaty palms.  I spoke with my counselor, Brooke, about this during our session the following week and she used it as a time to practice almost reliving that environment.  To start, I had to imagine myself in the environment where the fear set in and list all of the feelings, positive and negative, that arose. 

For the positive, the excitement to participate in a group that fully supports all of the values I have come to associate with over this past year, I spoke to the imaginary group to share, without the nuisance of the negative emotions speaking their obnoxious viewpoints.  As I spoke, I didn't have too much hesitation with the words coming out of my mouth and I didn't have problems breathing.  Brooke asked me how it felt and I paused and then said, "Comfortable".  Wow, I can't say that is a word that escapes my mouth very often.  Why was it comfortable?  Because it was my truth!  I have come to realize how far I was from living my truth.  I still have plenty of work to put into this focus, but my life has been all sorts of amazing since I found this part of me that was hiding for years. 

For the negative, I chose the very general word, "Nervous".  Instead of speaking like I, Fiona, was speaking in the state of feeling nervous, I spoke as if I was "Nervous", the human form of the emotion nervousness.  As Nervous spoke to Fiona, Fiona's chest got tight, her face felt warm, and her palms got sweaty.  Nervous shared that it will always be there to protect Fiona from embarrassing herself in a new environment so she doesn't risk losing the progress she has made towards the goals she has created.

Here is my message to Nervous:  "Nervous, I know that you mean well to protect me against the things that could get in the way of my goals, but I have nothing to fear.  When I am my true self, I am safe.  I am safe because the only opinion that really matters is my own.  And I do not judge my true self because that is what is going to make this world a better place.  I know that you will be close by throughout my life and I don't mind the company, but you'll probably be having a conversation with yourself from now on."

Brooke then asked me what I would fill the space that nervousness once occupied with.  I chose to keep the space open and allow my breath to easily fill the space that had been overcrowded for years.  This place in my chest seems to be where I hold my connection with others and the world around me.  I often feel like there is a glowing light shining from my chest when I am fully present and enjoying life.  When people around me are sharing their stories in a state of vulnerability, I bring my hand to my chest and almost feel like there is a warm and shining energy flowing between me and that person so I can fully provide my love and support.  It is a wonderful thing.

Why is this personification so effective for me?  Because it allows me to easily detach from what I have always felt was a part of me but, in reality, is not.  Nervousness is not me.  Shyness is not me.  Perfectionism is not me.  They are "the others".  I am Fiona.  Everyone else is just along for the ride.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Red Tent Temple Neophyte

As I've begun to explore the world of female strength, I stumbled on the "red tent" concept.  The idea is that women create these communities where they meet on a regular basis to create a support system for one another.  In those meeting, they share stories, drum, write, dance, sing, relax, and just generally celebrate the collective feminine spirit.  Once I heard that these were all over the world (even in NJ), I was intrigued at the opportunity to explore.  The first woman I emailed said that her studio space didn't call it "red tent" because it wasn't attracting the audience they were looking for.  And, after reading about her program, I realized what she was offering wasn't quite what I was hoping it would be.  But then I found one that meets monthly in south Jersey.  Though it was a distance away, it seemed well-established and the type of environment I had in mind.

So, I took the plunge today.  It was a 2-hour drive and I was a little bit nervous to walk into a new environment with new people, but I kept in mind my goals and how this would push me further in my investigation for the supportive team I am looking for.  I am SO glad I went.  The signs were very clear where to go and what to do as you walked into the building and up the stairs.  There were red veils and pieces of fabric all over, a sign for suggested donations, and a sign for where to put your shoes.  I walked into the room, said it was my first time there, and was instantly directed to the nearest bean bag chair.  I started having a bit of awkward conversation for a few minutes, but then it became much more natural and the group of us were laughing and sharing our lives.

Soon after, one of the girls cracked open her packet of henna and started making her rounds with anyone who wanted some (including me).  That was my first time getting it.  Everyone was mesmerized by the process.  It was very cool.

After an hour or so of chatting, the women's circle began.  The leader started with a stick with adornments symbolizing women who were part of the red tent or had some relation to the group.  She passed around the stick and, as each woman was holding it, she would say what the group meant to them (in one word or phrase).  Then we each picked three cards and had to tell a story that linked the three cards together.  The variety of stories was mindblowing.  There were some who were sharing general words of wisdom from past experiences or what they try to keep in mind on a daily basis, one woman who found her husband dead of an opiate overdose just this week, one whose brother had been shot and whose murderer was sentenced to 40-60 years in prison, one woman who will begin her life as a single mother, one who was moving deeper into her practice of working with energy, one who was the wise older woman of the group who took her time speaking which allowed her message to really resonate with the group, and others who were equally openminded and free to share and receive information.

I had a general idea of what I was going to share, but I still stopped breathing as soon as it was my turn to speak.  I acknowledged my lack of skill in speaking in front of a group, then was able to finish my thoughts with a slight lack of oxygen.  At the end of each speaker, the group would say, "Bless you, then the person's name".  It's crazy how supported you can feel with such a simple gesture.  You really feel like someone is paying attention to you and is a witness to your story.

I had a few quick and lovely conversations with some of the girls before I left, but I darted out quickly because I wasn't feeling like I would make it through that part of the socializing without being completely awkward.  I had a long drive home anyway, so it was all good.
I'm very grateful for the opportunity to have experienced tonight.